
By embracing the idea and functionalities of digital platforms, branded product manufacturers are sidestepping players like Amazon and instead building brand flagship platforms. Brands use these platforms to considerably expand on their core offerings and establish a direct connection with consumers. By doing so, they can provide a range of complementary products, services, and content within the broader category space surrounding their core offering. The result: they can address consumer needs more holistically and transcends a pure sales channel. We have used this very approach to deliver innovations in the travel and financial services industries for our clients worldwide. You can use this link to see actual client outcomes or contact me to learn more.

Further Reading

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Leaders: Stop Confusing Correlation with Causation

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Before Expanding Their Operations Outdoors, Retailers Should Explore a Few Key Factors

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Research & Insights

The Waters Recede, Resilience Remains: A Lesson from Dubai’s Deluge

Further Reading

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