
Do you know who the innovators are in your organization? These aren’t just the creative product designers or the strategists devising new business models. They are also the people who make an end run around established processes, lobby to do things differently, or proactively make connections across silos and build informal networks to get things done. By the way, most of these innovators are NOT in the C-suite. You can increase the likelihood that great ideas won’t get away by bringing many more voices and perspectives into the process. Furthermore, the “Great Resignation” highlights an enormous opportunity for leaders to create new ways of working toward meeting employees’ needs for purpose, balance, and good wages. Reach out to me to start a dialog about how not to let your innovators get away.

Further Reading

Research & Insights

That Discomfort You’re Feeling Is Grief

Further Reading
Research & Insights

What Are Your KPIs Really Measuring?

Further Reading
Research & Insights

Toward a More Resilient Supply Chain: Harnessing Generative AI for Enhanced Efficiency and Sustainability

Further Reading

Let's Get to Work

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