
Informed by the impacts of the global pandemic including customer lifestyle changes, sustainability, and public health considerations, P&C led company-wide initiatives to build and cultivate world-class digital marketing infrastructure, talent, and know-how on every continent where our client owns and operates its industry leading retail and lifestyle destinations.

A comprehensive Digital Transformation initiative included the development and implementation of the client’s digital marketing platforms, omnichannel customer-facing technologies, and robust technology infrastructure to seamlessly enable engagement with over 500 million annual visitors to its centres worldwide.

The Digital Transformation intiative was complemented with a concurrent Organization & Human Capital initiative to build a strong bench of digital marketing leaders throughout the world to transform the organization’s locations from shopping centres to unique, sustainability-driven retail, office, and lifestyle destinations.

Further Reading

_Tommy Test

Revolutionizing Luxury Brand Storytelling Through Cinematic Experience

Client Outcomes Listing
Further Reading
Destination Marketing to Stimulate Travel Demand

Destination Marketing to Stimulate Travel Demand

Client Outcomes Listing
Further Reading

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