Organization & Human Capital
Our People
Travel & Hospitality
What We Offer
Clarify how critical processes are accomplished in support of your overall organizational agility strategy.
A one-time, blank-sheet approach that transforms your operating model to simplify your organization, streamline work processes, reveal digital opportunities, and unlock massive savings.
Assess your company’s decision-making capabilities and positions to make consistently effective decisions going forward.
Actively match top existing talent to critical roles. We identify the critical roles required to deliver on an evolving business agenda and help our clients ensure the best talent with the right skills are dynamically matched to those roles. We focus the leadership team on the roles driving the greatest value and help ensure a rich pipeline of qualified succession candidates for critical roles.
Build a strategic plan for your workforce. We help clients determine what skills to focus on, based on the skill’s value and projected scarcity. We quantify the skills required in the future and project internal and external supply based on organizational workforce-trend data and market labor analytics. We prioritize likely gaps between supply and demand and develop talent strategies to address talent gaps.
Identify, attract, and select talent. We deploy some of the best consumer branding approaches to design winning employee value propositions. Using advanced analytics, we expand talent sourcing pools and reduce risk in hiring decisions.
Transform the Human Resources function into a powerhouse that delivers value. We help HR make the leap from service provider to business leader. We revolutionize the HR function by embedding People Analytics in HR processes and building HR-team capabilities. We support HR transformations that improve efficiency, effectiveness, and the employee experience.
Demonstrated Outcomes. Significant Influence.
Witness the remarkable achievements we’ve enabled for ambitious clients.