
This excellent article points to business strategies that can be applied to a country’s ability to better plan for the next pandemic: the level of predictability and the ability to reshape the future. In environments where you can predict the future, winning players are often incumbents who can execute against a plan that makes the best use of their advantaged assets. In environments where you can reshape the future, winning players are typically innovators who can execute against a visionary plan that disrupts the structure of an industry. However, in environments marked by high uncertainty and a low ability to shape the future, winners are not those with preexisting plans but those who are nimble—who can get out of the starting blocks quickly, shift direction as they learn more, and scale fast. This article points to 5 success factors, which should guide business preparedness, as well as that for countries: re-deployable manufacturing (or a flexible supply chain), an expandable workforce, decentralized innovation, flexible rules & processes, and better communications. We at P&C have applied these strategies in multiple industries, during and post-pandemic. Please reach out to me to learn more.

Further Reading

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