
Play, purpose, and potential are three positive motivators that we are in danger of losing as people continue to work from home. During crises, such as Covid-19, people tend to focus on tactical work—performing tasks or following the approved project plan—rather than adapting to solve bigger, newer problems the business may be facing. What can leaders do? The most powerful way to achieve work engagement is to give people the opportunity to experiment and solve problems that really matter. Big or small, you can make sure every person on you team feels like they have a challenge they can help solve. This article includes some helpful suggestions for remote teams.

Further Reading

Research & Insights

The Waters Recede, Resilience Remains: A Lesson from Dubai’s Deluge

Further Reading
Research & Insights

The Art of Self-Disruption: Volkswagen’s Strategic Leap in China

Further Reading
Research & Insights

Retail Reimagined: The Enduring Evolution of the Physical Storefront

Further Reading

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