
The US airline industry is on the brink of transformative changes by 2035, as detailed in Forbes. We foresee more consolidation, leading to fewer airlines and smaller regional fleets. The advent of drones and electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft — also known as eVTOLs — will increase congestion in big cities, but these technologies promise to make these spaces more efficient in the long run.

The fleets of the future will be more efficient, with a shift towards hydrogen-powered airplanes, reducing the industry's reliance on fossil fuels. Airports will see a rise in automation, with technology replacing most human roles, leading to higher-value and higher-paying activities.

As senior executives, it's crucial to adapt to these trends. We urge you to take the lead in embracing these changes and driving the industry towards a more sustainable and efficient future. Let's shape the future of the airline industry together.

Further Reading

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